
Industry Trends on DevOps


Industry Trends on DevOps

DevOps is an evolving philosophy and framework that encourages faster, better application development and faster release of new or revised software features or products to customers. The practice of DevOps encourages smoother, continuous communication, collaboration, integration, visibility, and transparency between application development teams (Dev) and their IT operations team (Ops) counterparts.

This closer relationship between “Dev” and “Ops” permeates every phase of the DevOps lifecycle: from initial software planning to code, build, test, and release phases and on to deployment, operations, and ongoing monitoring. This relationship propels a continuous customer feedback loop of further improvement, development, testing, and deployment. One result of these efforts can be the more rapid, continual release of necessary feature changes or additions.

Some people group DevOps goals into four categories: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing (CAMS), and DevOps tools can aid in these areas. These tools can make development and operations workflows more streamlined and collaborative, automating previously time-consuming, manual, or static tasks involved in integration, development, testing, deployment, or monitoring.

Latest Trends in DevOps:

  1. Shifting left from CI pipelines to assemble lines of DevOps : The automation along with collaboration and transparent communication is the key to DevOps culture. In the year 2023, the attention in DevOps will shift from mere CI/CD pipelines to assemble lines.
  2. AI and Data Science looking for DevOps culture : We have seen that today’s world of digital transformation is incomplete without AI and Data Science. Both are changing the lives of the people around them. Both are embracing DevOps as the automation is the central key to the culture what DevOps is.
  3. Adopting Serverless architecture : Technically it does mean that there will be no servers. But since the adoption of cloud and configuring the cloud with resources is done by a software by the click of a button, thus the name serverless architecture. There are 2 critical methods in this, those are FaaS which stands for Function-as-a-Service, and BaaS that are Backbone-as-a-Service.
  4. Containers : Software development is moving towards a solution to the problem of operation of the software in various computing environments by moving the software into containers. Containerization makes the software move fast, work efficiently, and operates at an unprecedented scale. Containers are a logical packaging mechanism for the software that is abstracted from the environment in which they run. This allows the containerized applications to run in any target environment easily and consistently whether they are private data centers, or developer’s laptops, or public cloud environments.
  5. DevSecOps : The security market worldwide is facing their challenges of understaffing, hackers adopting newer and advanced techniques, unable to integrate disparate systems, unable to secure newer systems, and unable to secure legacy systems, etc. These have opened doors for new culture called DevSecOps. That is security as a key concept in between Development and Operations. Security is embedded in the development and operations phases of DevOps culture.

Future of DevOps

There are a lot of changes likely to happen in the DevOps world. Some of the most prominent are:

  • Organizations are shifting in their needs to weeks and months instead of years.
  • We will see soon that DevOps engineers have more access and control of the end-user than any other person in the enterprise.
  • DevOps is becoming a valued skill for IT people. For example, a survey conducted by Linux hiring found that 25% of respondents’ job seekers are DevOps experts.
  • DevOps and continuous delivery are here to stay. Therefore companies need to change as they have no choice but to evolve. However, the mainstreaming of DevOps will take 5 to 10 years.



Industry Trends on DevOps

DevOps is an evolving philosophy and framework that encourages faster, better application development and faster release of new or revised software features or products to customers. The practice of DevOps encourages smoother, continuous communication, collaboration, integration, visibility, and transparency between application development teams (Dev) and their IT operations team (Ops) counterparts.

This closer relationship between “Dev” and “Ops” permeates every phase of the DevOps lifecycle: from initial software planning to code, build, test, and release phases and on to deployment, operations, and ongoing monitoring. This relationship propels a continuous customer feedback loop of further improvement, development, testing, and deployment. One result of these efforts can be the more rapid, continual release of necessary feature changes or additions.

Some people group DevOps goals into four categories: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing (CAMS), and DevOps tools can aid in these areas. These tools can make development and operations workflows more streamlined and collaborative, automating previously time-consuming, manual, or static tasks involved in integration, development, testing, deployment, or monitoring.

Latest Trends in DevOps:

  1. Shifting left from CI pipelines to assemble lines of DevOps : The automation along with collaboration and transparent communication is the key to DevOps culture. In the year 2023, the attention in DevOps will shift from mere CI/CD pipelines to assemble lines.
  2. AI and Data Science looking for DevOps culture : We have seen that today’s world of digital transformation is incomplete without AI and Data Science. Both are changing the lives of the people around them. Both are embracing DevOps as the automation is the central key to the culture what DevOps is.
  3. Adopting Serverless architecture : Technically it does mean that there will be no servers. But since the adoption of cloud and configuring the cloud with resources is done by a software by the click of a button, thus the name serverless architecture. There are 2 critical methods in this, those are FaaS which stands for Function-as-a-Service, and BaaS that are Backbone-as-a-Service.
  4. Containers : Software development is moving towards a solution to the problem of operation of the software in various computing environments by moving the software into containers. Containerization makes the software move fast, work efficiently, and operates at an unprecedented scale. Containers are a logical packaging mechanism for the software that is abstracted from the environment in which they run. This allows the containerized applications to run in any target environment easily and consistently whether they are private data centers, or developer’s laptops, or public cloud environments.
  5. DevSecOps : The security market worldwide is facing their challenges of understaffing, hackers adopting newer and advanced techniques, unable to integrate disparate systems, unable to secure newer systems, and unable to secure legacy systems, etc. These have opened doors for new culture called DevSecOps. That is security as a key concept in between Development and Operations. Security is embedded in the development and operations phases of DevOps culture.

Future of DevOps

There are a lot of changes likely to happen in the DevOps world. Some of the most prominent are:

  • Organizations are shifting in their needs to weeks and months instead of years.
  • We will see soon that DevOps engineers have more access and control of the end-user than any other person in the enterprise.
  • DevOps is becoming a valued skill for IT people. For example, a survey conducted by Linux hiring found that 25% of respondents’ job seekers are DevOps experts.
  • DevOps and continuous delivery are here to stay. Therefore companies need to change as they have no choice but to evolve. However, the mainstreaming of DevOps will take 5 to 10 years.



Industry Trends on DevOps

DevOps is an evolving philosophy and framework that encourages faster, better application development and faster release of new or revised software features or products to customers. The practice of DevOps encourages smoother, continuous communication, collaboration, integration, visibility, and transparency between application development teams (Dev) and their IT operations team (Ops) counterparts.

This closer relationship between “Dev” and “Ops” permeates every phase of the DevOps lifecycle: from initial software planning to code, build, test, and release phases and on to deployment, operations, and ongoing monitoring. This relationship propels a continuous customer feedback loop of further improvement, development, testing, and deployment. One result of these efforts can be the more rapid, continual release of necessary feature changes or additions.

Some people group DevOps goals into four categories: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing (CAMS), and DevOps tools can aid in these areas. These tools can make development and operations workflows more streamlined and collaborative, automating previously time-consuming, manual, or static tasks involved in integration, development, testing, deployment, or monitoring.

Latest Trends in DevOps:

  1. Shifting left from CI pipelines to assemble lines of DevOps : The automation along with collaboration and transparent communication is the key to DevOps culture. In the year 2023, the attention in DevOps will shift from mere CI/CD pipelines to assemble lines.
  2. AI and Data Science looking for DevOps culture : We have seen that today’s world of digital transformation is incomplete without AI and Data Science. Both are changing the lives of the people around them. Both are embracing DevOps as the automation is the central key to the culture what DevOps is.
  3. Adopting Serverless architecture : Technically it does mean that there will be no servers. But since the adoption of cloud and configuring the cloud with resources is done by a software by the click of a button, thus the name serverless architecture. There are 2 critical methods in this, those are FaaS which stands for Function-as-a-Service, and BaaS that are Backbone-as-a-Service.
  4. Containers : Software development is moving towards a solution to the problem of operation of the software in various computing environments by moving the software into containers. Containerization makes the software move fast, work efficiently, and operates at an unprecedented scale. Containers are a logical packaging mechanism for the software that is abstracted from the environment in which they run. This allows the containerized applications to run in any target environment easily and consistently whether they are private data centers, or developer’s laptops, or public cloud environments.
  5. DevSecOps : The security market worldwide is facing their challenges of understaffing, hackers adopting newer and advanced techniques, unable to integrate disparate systems, unable to secure newer systems, and unable to secure legacy systems, etc. These have opened doors for new culture called DevSecOps. That is security as a key concept in between Development and Operations. Security is embedded in the development and operations phases of DevOps culture.

Future of DevOps

There are a lot of changes likely to happen in the DevOps world. Some of the most prominent are:

  • Organizations are shifting in their needs to weeks and months instead of years.
  • We will see soon that DevOps engineers have more access and control of the end-user than any other person in the enterprise.
  • DevOps is becoming a valued skill for IT people. For example, a survey conducted by Linux hiring found that 25% of respondents’ job seekers are DevOps experts.
  • DevOps and continuous delivery are here to stay. Therefore companies need to change as they have no choice but to evolve. However, the mainstreaming of DevOps will take 5 to 10 years.
